Sure they both have twin-cylinder motors which give them similar benefits. However, they aren’t as similar in operation. You may look at the Porter-Cable air compressors and the PowerMate Vx and say, they’re twins. If you’re not doing terribly demanding heavy-duty stuff, you’ll be fine. It’s even enough for industrial projects. However, it’s more than enough for most people’s needs. In fact, its top pressure is 20 PSI less than the competition (155 PSI). Sure, it doesn’t quite reach the high pressurization that its counterparts on the list do. This is awesome at the price, which is a couple of hundred bucks less than others on this list. This leads to much smoother operations than a lot of its counterparts. It operates with a twin-cylinder motor that doesn’t generate much heat. The reason for its quiet is also the reason that it operates at a cooler temperature. Even on this list, it’s considerably quieter than average. You can hear yourself think and talk while this baby operates. It produces very few vibrations and it produces less noise as a result. The PowerMate Vx does a lot of things right and does them for the right price. If you’re looking for the best value for money ratio, look no further. And since it shoots for a price similar to that of the Quincy, it can’t fare as well. The choice to run at low RPMs and to keep the motor cool costs the DXCMV5076055 points. Unfortunately, the one oddity that keeps it so cool is also the one that makes it less than perfect.
#60 gallon quincy air compressor for free#
If by chance you have problems with specific parts, you can call for free repairs and replacements. For everything else, there is a one year warranty included. You have a two-year warranty right out of the box for the pump. The warranty on this model is also excellent. It also means that it’ll be more durable and run much smoother than others in its class. This means that it can perform much better for medium use and even better if you want heavy use. The advantage of that pump and the lower RPM is that this one runs cooler than its counterparts. However, this doesn’t sacrifice the standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM) which are supplied to the gas cylinders or tires. The pump inside it operates at a much lower RPM than other pumps its size.

It includes a different type of motor than most compressors its size. Not only does it look formidable, but it also does its job like a champ. The DeWalt DXCMLA4708065 air compressor is no joke. The hardware juggernaut rears its head here as well. That is also covered under warranty though. There is some pump trouble noted with the model, however. Hence, you don’t need to worry about the quality of the product. Even the models that ship with broken parts or malfunctions are covered by the warranty. The Quincy QT-54 is one of the best 60-gallon air compressors on the market. The responsiveness of the brand is apparent here. That’s a bargain at any price, but especially at the $1300 ballpark, this list is built around. There is also an option for extended warranties that can cover the parts for up to 3 years.

Most of its parts are covered by a warranty policy for a year. On top of that Quincy has a great customer service policy. In fact, this measures up nicely with other models by Quincy. Now no compressor is quiet in the traditional sense, but against other 60-gallon air compressors, there’s a significant difference. Not only will this save a lot of time and money, but it will help you out if you’re a beginner. The motor is also capacitor-starting in nature hence you won’t require any special wiring during the installation. The benefits of this motor are huge since it can do its job faster than most other similarly priced compressors. In fact, it’s motors can be ranked as one of the best in the budget 60-gallon air compressor market.