Conjugation of the verb meet with modal auxiliary verbs.12)Future perfect continuous(progressive) tense.11)Past perfect continuous(progressive) tense.10)Present perfect continuous(progressive) tense.6)Future continuous (progressive) tense.4)Present continuous(progressive) tense.The correct answer is “have been worked.” As aforementioned, “worked” is the past participle of “work.” “Worked” is a must in the passive voice phrase of “have been worked.”Īnyway, “have been work” is incorrect as for the grammatical criteria. “Have Been Worked” Or “Have Been Work”: Which Is Correct? Dirty work: The unpleasant occupations someone does not want to do.Make hard work of something: To use more energy or time on one task than required.A job of work: Work that you must do or are paid to do.In the works: Talk about something that is prepared or planned and will happen soon.Good works: Kind-hearted acts to help others.The devil makes work for idle hands: Talk about someone who does not have enough to complete the job and often starts with wrongdoings.Set to work/get about your work: To make a start.Make short work of somebody/something: To cope with somebody/ something quickly.Make light work of something: To do something with little effort and rapidly.All work and no play: Talk about the unhealthy working time all day long without relaxing.All in a day’s work: Part of your working life.A place where the industrial processes take place.Activities involving fixing something or building.A piece of music or painting, a book, etc.The use of mental or physical power to make something.Materials used for doing work, notably papers, books, etc.The current duties you have and the current responsibilities you do for work.The place where you do the job and make money.Aside from a verb, this word is also a noun with one of these meanings: Vocabulary Quiz: Select The Correct Options The girl has worked the washing machine carelessly.I worked the coffee machine with seeming ease.To make a device, machine, etc., operate.Those newspapers have worked for my thesis.These given pills didn’t work for my disease.To have the effect or result that you like (to be effective).This outside condition has worked against the team of writers’ success.Her age worked against her in that job.This talented team hasn’t worked together for 5 years.Boys worked with their families because of the thriving profit.To operate or manage something to benefit from it.The patients have worked with a special tool to recover rapidly.The farmer worked with the fibers before covering them on the ground.

To make the material into a specific form by stretching, pressing, hitting it, etc.The professor has worked with this material for a long time.The seasoned mechanic worked with a toolbox and his effort.To adopt a special material to create a picture or other items.The boat had worked in the storm before getting sunk.That acclaimed artist stared at her in horror, and his mouth worked dauntingly.They have worked out of Texas for nearly 9 months.We worked out in California 4 years ago.To pass or move to a particular state or place gradually.All students have worked very hard thanks to the teachers’ help.This video artist’s firm worked him hard.To make somebody/yourself do something really hard.All members have worked together for quite some time to figure out the solution.Different groups worked harmoniously as they could make use of their fortes effectively.To try to hit a goal or achieve something.Jimmy has worked in the petrol industry for over 30 years.Hennie worked in the current company 3 years ago.My teammates have worked on the current job duties for roughly 3 hours.The entire debate team worked on this project to a tee.To do something involving mental or physical effort, particularly as part of a job.Let’s see all these meanings with detailed examples: The definitions of “work” are also the backbone of today’s article.
#Meet past tense grammar how to
So here is a quick guide on how to differentiate and say them correctly: Many beginner English learners mispronounce “work” and “walked” as well as their past tense. Let us walk through the British and American English accents of all the work’s verb tenses: Verb Forms The table below will show you all the verb forms of “work:” Base/Infinitive Form (V1) In short, it’s a regular verb, sticking to the -ED rule. Work past participle and past tense are WORKED (W-O-R-K-E-D). Many know that the past tense of sit and past tense of swing transform differently since they are both irregular verbs.